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Our chapter prides itself on the strength of the bonds that tie our sisters together. Being a part of Delta Beta means being a part of a sisterhood that will support you through the best of times, the worst of times, and everything in between.

One of our flagship initiatives is an event known as "Kappa Konfidential." Each semester, we hold a chapter-wide discussion on an issue that affects us as college-age women, from body image to healthy relationships. Our sisters share their experiences in a confidential forum (hence the name), bringing us together as a chapter and helping us learn how to better support one another. 

Our sisterhood committee plans events throughout the year, from welcome back parties in the fall to pumpkin carving parties at Halloween to ice-cream-social-themed study breaks during final exams. During the New Member period, the New Member Coordinator also plans randomized "Blue Krew" outings to encourage our new members to get to know the older members of our chapter as quickly as possible. And at each chapter meeting, we recognize a member who killed it that week -- either by acing a test, landing their dream job, or just making someone else's day -- in "Support Your Sister."

A Delta Beta is someone who will drop everything for a sister, who will celebrate her accomplishments and lift her up in the face of life's challenges. The strength of the sisterhood that characterizes the Delta Beta chapter is difficult to describe, but is the most valued aspect of being a part of our chapter.